Daxium 5 Cas d'usage 5 Store assets management

The issues encountered,
by department managers.

To stand out from the competition and offer a better customer experience, retail companies invest in assets such as furniture and shelves. Their goal is to enhance the presentation of store sections and improve sales. Proper management of these assets is crucial but requires analyzing various data, which is not always easy. Indeed, between logistics management, inventories, and installation, it is essential that all this information is correctly saved to be processed efficiently.

Daxium retail application

Why choose Daxium-Air?

Centralize your data


Centralize your asset data in a single tool.
Share data


Increase the visibility of your inventory and its condition.
Improve your performance


Enhance real-time communication between your teams.
Improve your exchanges


Analyze financial depreciation and generate reports.
Customize your asset management app

Digitalize asset information reporting with a mobile app.

Our customizable app allows you to create your own mobile forms to report field information about your assets and centralize them. From your back-office interface, you define the fields to build your database, such as installation and maintenance dates, product references, anomaly declarations, etc. Your in-store teams, equipped with a smartphone or tablet, will find all these fields to complete directly in their app. Some features help your teams save time, notably by scanning products with a QR code to automatically add their reference.

Centralize asset data for better management

Synchronization between changes made from the back-office and your in-store teams’ mobile app is instantaneous. Thus, reported information is always accurate and transmitted in real-time. Smooth communication between your teams is essential to ensure asset management and to be responsive if needed. In a few clicks, your employees contribute effectively to asset management as they can track inventory, condition, and notify relevant people when necessary. Your stocks, restocking, or asset maintenance are better controlled, and decision-making is faster. This also allows you to better manage the financial depreciation of your assets through data centralization and saving. You know when your asset was installed and can anticipate its replacement.

Streamline communication

Do you want to digitalize the management of your store assets?

Plan the replacement of your assets

Plan asset maintenance and improve their lifecycle.

The information about your assets entered in your mobile app forms your database. Your in-store teams can report an anomaly, which usually requires maintenance intervention. You can manage equipment maintenance using our scheduling tool. Photos and comments can be added to the form during anomaly reporting, which will be integrated into a new task in your schedules. By assigning this task to the person in charge of asset maintenance, they receive a notification or SMS and access the recorded information to quickly identify the problem. Once the maintenance is completed, it can be reported on the form to inform the follow-up teams.

Analyze the financial depreciation of your assets.

Centralizing your data on your Daxium-Air mobile app allows you to monitor and evaluate your store assets, especially by analyzing their financial depreciation. You thus get an overview of your assets and their lifecycle. Some of our features allow you to automatically generate reports for quick data summaries. These reports, exportable in various formats, can be sent to relevant people. You also have access to customizable dashboards where you can integrate your performance indicators to precisely analyze your data.

Analyze the financial depreciation of your assets
Do you want to control the financial depreciation of your assets?

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