Daxium 5 Cas d'usage 5 Monitoring and maintenance of electric charging stations

The issues encountered,
among maintenance managers.

The electric vehicle market has been on the rise in recent years, increasing the demand for electric charging stations. With an expanding charging network, there are more stations to maintain. Managing maintenance and monitoring across your entire network can be complex due to the volume of information to consider.
Monitoring and maintenance of electric charging stations

Why choose Daxium-Air?

Centralize your data


Information from your interventions in a single tool.
Share data


Real-time field data.
Improve your performance


Visibility of your interventions through scheduling.
Improve your exchanges


Team productivity by simplifying their daily tasks.
Customize your maintenance application

Customize your maintenance application according to your needs.

During maintenance interventions, various anomalies may be detected and need correction to ensure smooth operation of the stations. By customizing your application, you can specify the information you wish to gather from the field. From the back office, you can select fields with a simple click-and-drop that will appear on your mobile application. Changes and synchronization occur in real time, ensuring your field teams always have up-to-date tools.

Report information from your electric charging station maintenance in real time.

Equipped with smartphones or tablets, your field teams can easily and quickly fill out required information via mobile forms. This eliminates manual data entry, saving significant time. Various features allow you to add photos and annotations directly to forms, as well as pinpoint the location of maintenance interventions and stations for easier tracking of past maintenance across your charging station network.

Report data from your charging station network

Looking to improve management of your electric charging station network?

Manage maintenance scheduling

Manage and track maintenance from our software’s back office.

Account management within your application allows you to differentiate access levels among your collaborators, especially between administration and field teams. Maintenance managers can thus handle schedules for maintenance and monitoring of electric charging stations. Our scheduling tool ensures centralized information accessible to all relevant personnel. Each team member will know their schedule and tasks to complete. Daxium-Air facilitates importing data on your charging stations, streamlining scheduling of preventive maintenance with alerts based on your deadlines.

Automatically generate maintenance reports.

A maintenance task can be defined by a team member who completes their mobile form, providing all necessary information on the electric charging station they serviced. Automation ensures that once the form is validated, it is automatically sent to a predefined supervisor for verification and final approval. The supervisor can be notified through in-app notifications and SMS alerts. These forms are then automatically generated into reports (Word, Excel, or PDF), providing concise documentation of completed charging station maintenance. These reports can be shared with clients to confirm your interventions.

Receive your maintenance reports
Looking to optimize maintenance of your electric charging stations?

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