The issues encountered,
within the Retail departments.
Retail players deploy multiple merchandising campaigns each year across their network of retail stores. The aim of these campaigns is to increase the brand’s visibility by offering promotions on new products, which are presented through in-store animations and podiums.
On a large scale, coordinating all merchandising campaigns is complex to manage as each store receives specific guidelines and provides feedback on campaign installations that may vary from one store to another.

Why choose the Daxium-Air solution ?

Your merchandising guidelines via a mobile application.

Quickly a photo feedback and confirmation of the installation.

All your merchandising campaigns in real-time.

The information flow and save it in a database.

Digitalise the deployment of your merchandising guidelines.
The sharing of guidelines is done in a structured manner, allowing the headquarters to monitor the progress of the campaign in real-time. The immediate feedback provided through the application also allows for quick notification to the headquarters in case of any issues. As a result, corrective measures can be implemented more quickly, reducing the impact on the merchandising campaign.
Access dashboards and centralize your data.
The merchandising teams will have access to dashboards that provide them with an overview of their merchandising activities across the entire network and will have different access points :
- Creating campaigns from the platform’s web portal ;
- Received shared items in shops via the mobile application ;
- Taking photos and filling in a checklist to confirm the installation ;
- Access to the photo database and global visibility dashboards providing by the headquarters.

Want to roll out your merchandising campaigns?
Discover other retail use cases.

Retail Operations