How Equans Uses Daxium-Air to Digitize Field Teams’ Business Processes?

Equans Transport Canada, specializing in railway and urban transport.

Equans is a leader in the energy and services sector, and a subsidiary of the Bouygues Group. Established in 2019, Equans Transport’s mission is to expand Equans’ activities in railway and urban transport across Canada and the United States. Their teams support companies in designing, constructing, maintaining, and optimizing major infrastructure projects.

Digital Transformation of the REM Project (Réseau Express Métropolitain).

Equans Transport Canada plays a pivotal role in the digital transformation of the transportation sector, focusing on efficiency, sustainability, and user experience. As a global leader in multi-technical services, Equans Transport focuses on decarbonizing and digitizing transport infrastructure, including railways, urban transport systems, and road networks. The Réseau Express Métropolitain (REM) project in Montreal, where Equans is responsible for engineering, procurement, and construction of the overhead catenary system, is one of Quebec’s largest public transportation initiatives. Its goal is to decarbonize transportation, improve intermodality, and expand the metropolitan transport network. It spans over 60 kilometers of double-track platforms, with Equans responsible for the entire catenary installation along the entire route.

Digitizing Field Team Business Processes.

The development of the REM project relies on meticulously defined business processes to ensure its success and sustainability. These processes hinge on Equans’ field teams, each playing a critical role in the project. Among these roles, ensuring the health and safety of teams on-site is paramount. Previously, REM project business processes involved data collection via paper forms and Excel, which were impractical for mobile teams due to data loss, lengthy and redundant data entry, and lack of mobility convenience. Equans Transport Canada sought to digitalize their data collection using the Daxium-Air application to enhance processes, improve productivity, and uphold deadlines, quality, and costs.

User-Friendly Application for Enhanced Productivity.

Equans Transport chose Daxium-Air to assist them in digitizing all field team business processes. The objective is to standardize them and make information reporting faster and more efficient, with better traceability. Thanks to this digital transformation “achieved in record time,” the field teams of the REM project were quickly able to grasp the application.

User-friendly Daxium-Air enables them to:
• Centralize data on a single platform,
• Save time with faster data entry and pre-filled information fields,
• Attach photos directly to forms,
• Share real-time data via comprehensive reports,
• Facilitate communication among project stakeholders,
• Alert relevant parties (internal teams, contractors, or clients) of anomalies,
• Receive action plans promptly.

Managing REM project data has significantly improved, empowering Equans Transport Canada to enhance on-site efficiency, improve team safety, and independently drive digital process improvements.

“We chose Daxium, already recognized within the group for similar international projects, and with Daxium, we met the digital solution deployment deadlines while continuously optimizing and enhancing the product throughout the project.”
Nicolas Quellec, Project Director, Equans Transport Canada.